
Botanical Gardens

Collection of this Garden composes more than five thousand species and cultivars of trees, shrubs, dwarf shrubs, vines, herbaceous and aquatic plants. It was erected in 1959 in Yunusabad district of Tashkent city and till now it attracts many visitors to the beauty of nature.

Botanical Garden continuously transmits new sorts of outdoor plants to local life. Familiarity with this corner of the capital starts from the main entry that leads every visitor to the inimitable world of dendro flora that is demonstrated by a number of precious plants naturally cultivating on diverse mainlands.

There is juniper, relic plants metosekvoyya bilobate, willow spiralius paper tree honey locustius awesome under the trees grow various types of shrubs spirea etc. Exposure of the East is demonstrated by plants from Primorye, Sakhalin, Manchuria. Under trees and shrubs well acclimatized herbaceous plants honeysuckle butterfly, the species Euonymus, akantopanaks, hydrangea and others.